Sweet Disturbance
Early morning, I had my task list ready and to do list. Suddenly, changes in my schedule and arranging task list forced me to adjust. I disturbed myself and wasn’t able to focus more. The result? Catching up and regaining my concentration to do what needs to be finished.
Working at home is interesting. Disturbance is considered as one challenge and must be conquered not once, but most of the time.
How can we classify it as disturbance? The moment it pushes you to do something and derails our productivity for the day is considered disturbance.
Heard about sweet disturbance?
I once posted in my newsfeed – “Sweet disturbance.”
If you guessed it’s about my kids, you’re right. Working on my desk for about 30 minutes and then a little girl will come and ask permission to use iPad. Sometimes they’ll call you up for assistance just to open a food container. Another instance, asking for help and finish their “task-list” like moving furniture and items so they can play.
I love sweet disturbance.
I remember when I was young and my Papa was preparing a perspective drawing for his client. He is an architect and obviously, he works best when its silent and not disturbed. As a designer, I know how he is inspired from stillness and calm environment.
Ideas come when you are not distressed. Just you and a blank drawing paper and sketching up ideas from your imagination to perspective drawing.
I am one of my Papa’s sweet disturbance that time. I grab pencils and scribble on drawing plates. I erased drawing guide and play with technical pen. No undo or ctrl-z like in AutoCAD. I admit I messed up with some of his drawing templates.
What I learned?
From my memory, majority of the time he graciously corrects me and gently shoo me away. He explains I need to set some time for him to focus on his project. He pulls out blank coupon bonds and lends me his Staedtler pencils and water colors by Prang.
He was slow to get angry those periods and maybe just some delayed reactions like my mom always say. But I think, he was careful not to hurt me and deny me from disturbing him.
Guess what? I grew up an artist – good thing it’s not in show business but in visual arts. He allowed me to play with his drawing desk and figure out how things are done. I was taught about the color theory at home first before our teachers in elementary taught us. I was able to discover with his help about color combinations and various media.
I also got the chance to suggest some features or improvements to his ideas. You know, being a critic and as a supporter. I was also questioned about my suggestions to his drawings on its significance and of course I answer back – occasionally like a “philosopher”.
Looking back as a “sweet disturbance” I was able to exercise and enjoy the benefits of living closely with my father. I wasn’t afraid to mess up and commit mistakes in front of him or around him.
He lost a bit of concentration and was kind to remind me to respect his job or profession.
I realized at that point he puts me and our family ahead of his drawing tasks. He sacrificed and was willing to start all over and gather again his ideas.
Now that I have my own sweet disturbance, I learned from my father what to do and what to say.
- I have to be patient and courteously attend to my kids’ requests.
- Graciously explain what I do and let them realize the purpose why I work.
- Look for ways to involve them and let them appreciate it
- Listen and allow them to voice out their imagination
- Stir up their talent and remember the tree and fruit concept, share what you know
You see, there is really a big advantage of working and near to your kids. I have to expand and post more about it when the right time comes.
I consider “sweet disturbance” as a blessing.
It will open our eyes and will cause some spark to our daily life. No need to worry about losing our focus – just embrace every chance and live one moment at a time.
Enjoy every sweet disturbance.