Simple Perks of Being Kind to Vendors
I wrote about respect from the last post and this time I’m going to share about kindness.
Being kind is showing compassion and sincerity. Being kind is one key ingredient in living a positive life. Kindness is defined: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Kindness has the power to touch lives.
Around 5:40pm, I am taking a breather outside our house from work. A vendor of mangoes is coming my way and he is already smiling. What a nice aura and gesture he brings. He knows I will buy and expects a quick chat. He is also aware I rarely go out and looks like were in good timing.
In the morning, Manong is selling puto and kutsinta and early evening he sells balut. Just a while ago he sells mangoes from Davao. He’s a hardworking man to provide for his family needs. It’s also given he is kind, but I realized being kind to them first has its perks or benefits.
We meet a lot of people over time. Everywhere we go we deal with strangers. I believe research and studies are correct to conclude that we Filipinos are kindest compared to other nationality.
Normally, I don’t talk to strangers specially vendors as I grew up shy and reserved – or introvert. By the way, I conquered my fear of dealing with people as I prayed for boldness. Over time, I began improve and was able to talk to strangers including vendors and listen to their story.
3 perks of being kind to vendors
- Discounts or special price
They will give you discount and special price if you buy their products or services even if you buy once a month, once a year or not at all. Sometimes they give you extra bonus. Here in San Fernando, if you have 5php for fishballs, you get 7pcs. On my case, I normally get more than 8pcs + toasted fishballs and more. If I go to plaza and visit the fishball vendor, if I pass them, they’ll call me to get for free. If I’m full, I’ll graciously deny it and let them know I’ll be back next time. Of course, I am careful not to take advantage of their offer, I understand business is business. - Learn and be inspired
While waiting for my turn to buy, I chat with them where they live first. And then, ask relevant or random questions like what they do after selling or during weekends. At this point, they are sharing their life experience and sometimes I am surprised from their story. It’s like listening to a trivia or even drama show. Most of the time I let them do the talking, they have challenges in their business and with their customers. Some customers are really hard to please and I normally hear complaints from vendors. They also share tips on how to respond to negative people. You will be surprised to know their story and ultimately be inspired. - Connections
Vendors know at least half of their customers’ business or jobs. If you are looking for a contact or leads, try asking them and they will refer you. They know how contacts and connections work. So be careful and protect your privacy from this perspective. They might share good or bad information about you so choose your words. But fear not, they won’t be gossiping anyway. Just be kind and respect what they sell and what they serve.
Always ask their first name after conversing with vendors. If you forgot their name, politely ask it again and shake their hands. This is one step of befriending other people you don’t know. Sometimes I get their number too and ask if they have Facebook profile I can check on.
Our social skills must be healthy and being kind is an opportunity to improve it.
Expanding friends offline is better than doing it online in Facebook.
If you want to improve your business, marketing or social skills, then start talking to vendors. They do it hands on and they can improvise to survive.
Be kind to others because it is showing favor that you really care for them. Don’t be kind because you need or want something in return. Don’t be kind if you’re out of money and you want to borrow cash. Don’t abuse kindness to advance your hidden agenda.
The concept of being kind is not only limited to vendors. Apply it to anyone you meet. Be kind to tricycle or jeepney drivers, security guards, merchandisers, police officers, volunteers, promo and sales persons and everyone.
Ask them if they are fine and if they need water or they need a seat. If they need something and you can give it for free, then do it. If you are tight try offering for an ex-deal.
The main thing here is always be kind and that’s simply showing your respect to other people.
There are many extra benefits of being kind, I’ll share more in future posts.