Forgiving Yourself
Forgiving is one of the most difficult thing to do. We all look back at our past failures at some point in our present and maybe in the future. I think it’s hard to forgive others but it’s harder or even hardest to forgive yourself.
We set our own standards and self-expectations. Higher to reach our full potential and sometimes lower so there is a sense of achievement. Mostly, we hold on to a big lie that once we fall, we are already a failure. That’s not true.
I’m writing this post to encourage everyone that forgiving yourself is not easy but doable. Stop looking back and carrying all the burden and guilt. I know – because even positive thinkers fail too. We fail because we are reminded that we are humans. Sometimes we are vulnerable and weak. There is also a habit of repeating every mistake in our mind and in turn we shrink back in guilt. Worrying should not be an option.
If you read in Bible, or history books, or any kind of story you read in the past few days – even apostles, saints and heroes fall and commit mistakes.
The truth is, we fail because it is our nature. Spiritually speaking we need God. Practically, we need our family to recover. Financially, we need our friends or job and career to cover expenses. Basically, we just need to learn to forgive ourselves from our own shortcomings or mistakes.
Past is Past – learn from it.
What is done in the past is done for good. Of course, we can’t do anything to change the past but to do something only in the present and prepare for our future. Realize that you are not already living in your old self.
Past mistakes will surely make us wiser. Sins, mistakes, failures, whatever you call it, are designed to make us strong starting from the inside then to the outside. It will instill a hard lesson in our hearts and will update our own senses. Don’t be afraid to start over and create a new chapter. We have unlimited life stories waiting to be written.
Nobody is perfect – move on.
This is not an excuse to commit mistakes intentionally. I remember a movie where a man came back to meet his fiancée because on their wedding day, the guy walked away hurting a lot of people. After a few years, he said “Sorry, I messed up”. Don’t hurt yourself trying to remember all your mistakes since childhood. It will benefit you. Apologize and stay faithful to yourself by self-forgiveness.
If you don’t forgive yourself, then you are corrupting your present life!
Love Yourself – acceptance is the key.
Every setback or failure is a chance to learn and be teachable. Open you heart and see the good side of yourself. Respect and remind yourself of your victories and nobody is to be blamed. Pick yourself and reset back to love the real and present you.
How do you know if you have forgiven yourself?
Pain and anger will be changed into joy and laughter. Any hint or memory of your guilt in the past will not affect you. You will experience freedom from disturbance, drama and depression once you have forgiven yourself.
Start looking at the positive side. Turn off those drama songs and stay away from negativity. Shut down and reflect on how to be happy again. Talk to strangers and listen to their life story. You will realize shortly that your load is easier to carry.
Forgiving yourself is setting your own freedom. Hope is at hand and believe it. Accept that the time has come to get back and try again. Let us not be afraid to start all over. Great businessmen fail and it’s not about how big their pocket or money is but how big their heart to recover and start again.
Be resilient and don’t give up on yourself, it’s the best time to improve.
Get up quick and forgive yourself so your emotions will stay back in normal. If we are depressed by not forgiving ourselves then that’s a sign of reversal to do great so continue to see the positive.
Fall once, get up many times? Let’s go.
Let us remind ourselves of accepting what reality has to offer. Start little changes just to get it going. Don’t stay on your mud of guilt longer than it should be. Stop blaming yourself and decide to do great to override every failure that we experienced.
There are thousand or million ways to redeem yourself. Our limited time on earth must not be wasted in sadness. Stop your own war.
Pick up yourself and keep moving forward. Stay positive because we have already won.
Forgive yourself because your inner health is important.
Love is from above first, the next source of love is from yourself.